31 sotirakis charalambou 18 untitled, 35 × 45 cm, paper particles, 2010 untitled, 200 × 8 × 8 cm, mohair fibers, paper particles, nylon thread, 2015 james geccelli 19 untitled, 220 × 150 cm, oil on canvas, 2014 - 2016 andreas schmid 20 untitled, 38,9 x 29,5, photocopy, watercolor, crayon, 2010 21 throw-in, drawing in space, 400 × 400 cm, tape, string, 2016 michel carmantrand 23 l’écheveau (the tangle), 150 × 150 cm, ink on paper, 2015 la créature (the creature), 150 × 150 cm, ink on paper, 2015 suse wiegand 24 concern about the edge, 25 × 25 cm, different materials, 2011 from this area everything will be returned, 20 × 11 × 14 cm, plastic, stone, 2011 christoph mauler 22 tribune, 34,5 × 33 × 13 cm, cast aluminum, lost mould, 2014 25 silicone wall, 16,5 × 40 × 9 cm, cardboard, silicone white, 2004 26 ladder, 23 × 11 × 9 cm, painting behind glass, acrylic, plaster, stone, 1994 26 household ladder, 23 × 11 × 9 cm, painting behind glass, acrylic, plaster, rigid foam, 1994 klega 28 paper dart, wall installation, tape, recorder, ca. 250 × 150 cm, 2016 claudia busching 28 untitled, 53 × 149 cm, acrylic, cardboard, installed in the corner of a room, 2016 regine spangenthal 29 b_g xiv, 45 × 35 cm, oil/cotton, 2016 b_g xv, 45 × 30 cm, oil/cotton, 2016 b_g v, 25 × 56 cm, oil/cotton, 2015 list of pictured works